「Abstract art」熱門搜尋資訊

Abstract art

「Abstract art」文章包含有:「Abstractart」、「AbstractArt」、「Abstractart|History,Characteristics」、「AbstractPainting」、「AbstractPaintingsForSale」、「WhatIsAbstractArt(andWhyShouldICare)?」、「WhatisAbstractArt?TheCompleteGuide」、「博客來」

Installation artAbstract artConstructivism artConceptual art
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Abstract art
Abstract art


Three art movements which contributed to the development of abstract art were Romanticism, Impressionism and Expressionism. Artistic independence for artists ...

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Abstract Art
Abstract Art


Instead of portraying easily recognizable scenes, abstract art challenges the viewer to respond to the piece in a more emotional and personal ...

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Abstract art | History, Characteristics
Abstract art | History, Characteristics


Abstract art, painting, sculpture, or graphic art in which the portrayal of things from the visible world plays little or no part.

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Abstract Painting
Abstract Painting


書名:Abstract Painting,語言:英文,ISBN:9783639452532,頁數:192,作者:Millward, William,出版日期:2012/08/16,類別:藝術設計.

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Abstract Paintings For Sale
Abstract Paintings For Sale


As a result of the freedom abstract art brings, many contemporary artists are drawn to create non-representational works, and abstract canvas paintings are ...

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What Is Abstract Art (and Why Should I Care)?
What Is Abstract Art (and Why Should I Care)?


Abstract Art. The definition. Abstraction literally means the distancing of an idea from objective referents. That means, in the visual arts, pulling a ...

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What is Abstract Art? The Complete Guide
What is Abstract Art? The Complete Guide


Abstract art is art that does not represent an accurate depiction of visual reality, communicating instead through lines, shapes, colours, forms and gestural ...

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書名:Abstract Art,語言:英文,ISBN:9783836546782,頁數:96,作者:Elger, Dietmar,出版日期:2017/02/02,類別:藝術設計.